My Walk On The Wildside

The outdoors has been my real home for as long as I can remember.   I found great connections to nature with first a fishing rod then a firearm.   While these got me close to touching the thing I most wanted it was a camera that made the final connection allowing me to be there with the beings that I love, capture it and enjoy and share with others.   

Hunting has been the driving force in my life for decades.  A regulated harvest of the surplus individuals from a population allowed me to get close to and capture the experience with an animal in hand.  I hunt to be close with animal I hunt and thus getting close to the essence of the natural world.   If you understand what I am saying then no need to explain, but if you don’t then know for me the success is not gleaned from the harvest but the experience and satisfaction of filling a need from deep inside to do what I do and love doing it.  

It didn’t take long into my time hunting that I wanted more.   I wanted to be know more and be closer to the natural world around me.  It started with low end film 35mm cameras, doing my best to take a photo on the 36 image role that would warrant the cost and justify the waiting time to see if did get a ‘keeper’ photo.   With a meager budget my first cameras provided nominal satisfaction leading to a search for the means to get what I wanted.   40 years later, with technology and cost merging at a point that I could justify I got close to the place where I wanted to be.

Not to short the importance of fishing as a big part of my life outdoors, it has been the foundation for the other things, taken for granted and not emphasized but still part of my story.  It  drove me in early years,  kept returning to drive me as new opportunities arose and continues to fill my need to get outdoors on occasion.   

Over the years of hunting, fishing and photography I have cataloged a history of experiences in the field with gun, rod and camera.  This website is dedicated to the people who have said repeatedly that I need to share.   The site is not about me but about all of  the great experiences afield that may bring some happiness to others.   In that happiness I will find a greater satisfaction than any photo or story I can share.

The above photo is of a pair of Whooping Cranes on Aransas National Wildlife Refuge near Rockport Texas.  Click here if you want to know more.  

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